Thursday, April 10, 2008

Time changes things change

7 AM, another night ended with dawn, didn't sleep. Have never been exposed to Sun that much in past 21 years. Used to have hypersomnia but time changes things change now am having "insomnia". nothing more ironic would ever happen in my life..I spent my past 3 years to cut my sleep down because back then I had commitments n' aims but since I don't have anything like that anymore I can't sleep.

Let's wait for the dusk again.

God's lonely man!


spicymist said...

hey i always meant to ask this qustion to someone, since u admit ur an insomaniac, ill ask u. is the hour before dawn really the darkest>?? :p cos i'd argued with my prof that it feels the darkest only because lites are off n our eyes r shut. =))

Murphy's law said...

I'm not sure but if you're looking for a scientific answer then I'd say this spell of time from 2 am to 4 am is supposed to be the darkest n' coolest hour of day n' sure lead to a healthy n' deep sleep. Hence, yep these are hours just before the dawn are considered to be the darkest ones.

spicymist said...

lol and what would be the non scientific answer?