Thursday, November 19, 2009


The Sachar Committee’s report convincingly establishes the fact of institutionalised discrimination against Muslims in our ‘infidel’ state? But the Muslim Relief Organisation, the IRF and their types do a much better inside job in discriminating: between Muslims (good) and Muslims (bad) in Islam’s name. It’s a discrimination that’s inevitable when faith is converted into a totalitarian ideology.
“There is no compulsion in religion” (“La ikraaha fiddeen”), says the Quran. “Diversity of opinion in my ummah is a blessing from Allah,” said the Prophet. For the despots of Islam, however, not only is Islam the only true religion, “their Islam” is the only “true Islam”. No space for doubt, no question of choice.
For sensible scholars of Islam, the Shariah is only a problem-solving methodology for those who seek to unravel the Divine Intent with the help of the Quran, teachings of Prophet Mohammed (Ahadith and Sunnah), consensual approach (ijma) and critical reasoning (ijtehad). But when a methodology (Marxist or Islamic) is elevated to the status of Law — frozen in time, all fresh approaches outlawed — you cannot but end up with a totalitarian ideology that by its own internal logic must aspire to the establishment of a totalitarian state (Marxist or Islamic).
It may seem like an ugly utopia for you and me. But to the hopelessly indoctrinated, a school in Mumbai, a village of bruised and battered Muslims in Gujarat, the Swat valley in Pakistan, a country named Afghanistan, or any social space big or small will do as a laboratory for the pursuit of their totalitarian fantasy.
Fortunately for the world and for the ummah itself, when given a chance to express themselves, the vast majority of Muslims — Indonesian, Malaysian, Bangladesh, Pakistani — continue to deliver a resounding ‘No’ to the enemies of freedom and choice. But beware of the dangers of the malevolent, modern-day messiahs. Unlike the poor maulvi sahib from a Muslim mohalla, this seemingly sophisticated lot comes draped in suit and tie, speaks fluent English, swears faith in “reason and logic”, quotes from the Vedas and the Bible as comfortably as from the Quran, oozes cash and promotes disharmony and discord in the name of peace. Don’t take them lightly for many among the new generation of otherwise well-educated but theologically ignorant Muslims assume this out-of-date medievalism to mean ‘Modern Islam’.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


mashoodkk: it is surprising to see an IITian in the sangh outfit. partly may be because i have been brought up in an anti RSS environment. But even if I shed all what has been imprinted on my mind by society, environment and upbringing and look into the matter with an objective eye, I find it hard to fathom how one could be part of an organisation which is evidently communal and preaches violence. I am perfectly aware that it wont care a shit to you how others feel....(i had a few friends during by bachelors ;) ]..but definitely would like to hear from you if you wont mind speaking ........

vikas: brother..i'd love to speak out and discuss the way you'd like it to.. but ..i'd like you to be precise with terms and defintions you quote..well i've and had a lot many frineds in IITs/IIMs and even at my work who share the same ideology of Cultural nationalism with me,,..i joined RSS around 8-9 years back..and I joined RSS not 'cause of anything but it has a feelling of patriotism and discipline..

"what has been imprinted on my mind by society, environment and upbringing"

if i may say you can wrap this whole "society, environment and upbringing" thing up in one word i.e. "MEDIA",..well RSS is the only thing which has ALWAYS been demonized by act of RSS was/is never apprecialble..i directly dsicard this kind of totaly one sided and biased projection of anything..despite of anything.. i mean come on media talk about reconsidering their point of view towards Jinnah and Stalin..but RSS is still The untouchables...


you are wrong..whatever you think and say is definately important to me..'cause i see myself as a PRACHARAK so what you got against my ideology is important for me for long as you are logical and start this discussion now i'd like you to make these definition clear..
what is communal.

what is violence..
what is Hindutva.
what is culturaL nationalism.

i hope this whole discussion would be completely disassociated with the fact that we come from different communities..i'd rather like this to be associated with bein' an Indian..a responsible INDIAN..nationalism..

ciao tc:)

Mashoodkk: I consider an organisation communal and violent...........

If the organisation is responsible, directly or indirectly, in killing innocent peoples, just because they do not by birth follow the same ideology of sangh .............The organisation may give excuses and reasons which i consider lame....
If the organisation is involved in organised propaganda to incite hatred between people following different faiths, beliefs or ideas..

On a philosophical plane I also question the sacrosanctity that you people attach to nationalism. I am not against patriotism, but i am against stretching it too much. I consider humanism a more profound stand. The concept of a nation is arbitrary, it is a convention......but we humans when considered as a species, the unity has a more profound basis. Consider people living in the boundary of two nations. I think that there is no reason to consider one group as closer to us than the other just because of their nationality. Both the people share similar characteristics, cultural and biological sparing minor differences.

vikas: "On a philosophical plane I also question the sacrosanctity that you people attach to nationalism. I am not against patriotism, but i am against stretching it too much. I consider humanism a more profound stand. The concept of a nation is arbitrary, it is a convention......but we humans when considered as a species, the unity has a more profound basis.Consider people living in the boundary of two nations. I think that there is no reason to consider one group as closer to us than the other just because of their nationality. Both the people share similar characteristics, cultural and biological sparing minor differences. "

that is fine

On a philosophical plane I QUESTION the SACROSANCTITY that you people attach to MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT,

this mathematics is beyond my reach that how talkin' NATIONALISM is opposing a son of soil or anyone. We got nothing against nobody irrespective of anything,
whatsoever it is. religion, nationality or anything AS LONG AS THEY DON'T INTEND TO HARM ME. Now the thing is I am very sure that "State of Pakistan" has bad intentions for me, infiltration from Bnagla desh is hiking up everyday. India is sinophobic. Now if I teach my brothers that we should ne united and trained and committed enough to fight these invasions what's wrong in that. How am I harming anyone. If I say we should be prepared enough to fight terrorism,
naxalism or any other kind of separatism then what's wrong in that. How am I preaching killing innocent people.
you are saying HUMANISM, i don;t know what point of Nationalist agenda is anti-humanism.

We say

1. We should stop politics of disintegration on the name of language, religion, or regionalism or caste.

2. We should stop atrocities on muslim women on the name of religion.

3. We say constitution of India should treat us as merely indians ..native of India not as SANATAN DHARMI or MUSLIM or MARATHI or BHAIYA or SOUTH INDIAN or CHINKI or SC or ST.

4. We must preserve our spiritual heritage to guide nation and this world .

5. We say every single brother and sister of ours should be competent enough to both physically and intellectually to stand up for himself/herself and for the India when she needs 'em.

Monday, September 14, 2009


जिसमें युद्ध का सामर्थ्य नहीं, वो शान्ति का अधिकारी नहीं | शान्ति कोई ब्रहामण को भिक्षा में मिलने वाला अन्न नहीं, क्षत्रिय को युद्घ में प्राप्त होने वाला पारितोषिक है | यही इतिहास है , यही नीति और यही धर्मं भी |

Thursday, September 10, 2009

BJP and Hindutva 07-07-2009

*This article is taken from Sharrayu Aroskar's blog on INDIAN EXPRESS*
*Mr. Saudagar is some stranger, I don't know his real name*
*I am Vikash Singh*

Sharrayu Aroskar

I have been following the BJP quiet regularly in the media. There was a sizeable population who wanted BJP to be in power for intellect and integrity reasons. However, the rule was not destined to be in hand for next five years. Never the less BJP has emerged as a largest Opposition party and has a myriad contribution to make to influence the government policy decisions positively. BJP supporters in India and living abroad have been waiting since the results for the BJP top brass meeting and lessons thus learnt from introspection.

The media had BJP "atma-chintan" meeting on beat. Some did the job genuinely others either wanted to paint it black or gather news of street side gossip quality. Of the statements that came first from the print media, I was surprised to read one that stated "BJP would re-cast "Hindutva” Knowing the quality of journalism in this country in recent election times, I was waiting for the prints of speeches given by L.K. Advani and Rajnath Singh. It was good to see how BJP supported cultural nationalism.

Ever since I opened my mind and head to politics the word Hindutva was always talked of as a brand that is pro Hindu and anti Muslim. The word to ears also sounds like Hindu extremism these days. I have heard young college girls talk of voting for Congress because BJP is all good except for too much of Hindutva in them. Even educated urban population both settled in India and abroad abhors this word or translates it into Hindu communalism and hates the party or organization that uses it. Naturally its the BJP and RSS that bear the popular brunt.

It is surprising to see how cultural nationalism was tainted by handful of politicians. More surprising is how the people in general have accepted it and even more surprising is the irresponsible print and visual media that leaves the cultural pride of this country on back tracks to make sure they are running on fast TRP tracks.

In my opinion the term Hindutva coined by Vinayak Damodar Sawarkar is an exemplary concept that unites India with its various colors. It is one that makes the blue complement the orange and orange complement the green. It is one that is so essential within this country that it makes the intrusion of foreign rotten brain difficult to penetrate. This concept of Akhanda Bharat houses and encompasses every religion sect and cast. What is refers to is not those who pray like "Hindus" but those that call this motherland their "aai" "ma" "ammi" "mother" etc. When you analyze this a little more, you start observing examples around that support this concept.

I have relished the sheer kurama at friends place on Id. I was born on Pateti and hence Parsi New Year is celebrated in my home in India every year. Having studied in a convent school and alternatively living outside India for a while I and many of my friends who follow other religions except Christianity celebrate Christmas. All Hindu festivals are always celebrated. We look at the office holidays and regardless of the reason of Diwali, Id or Independence Day, it is always welcomed with all zest. In school what binds you in a group is not your caste or religion or language but it’s the culture that you share with your classmates and like experiences. A random someone following Islam doesn't backfire on Miyan Musharraf because he is a Muslim. He does that because he stands for a culture and knows that the rest, regardless of their religion will stand by his statement in praise and prove him right. It is not out of coincidence that you see Md. Azzaruddin of the Slumdog Millionaire fame touch feet on the podium in spite of being a Muslim. It is not random that a Muslim stands against imposed “Ghunghat” and a Hindu woman stands against forced “Burkha”.

What this states is that something that binds us all in this Indian subcontinent is not our religion or language it’s the culture that we grow in and experience till our death. This beautiful concept of "Akhanda Bharat" or United India was termed as "Hindutva" and every person who calls India his motherland was called a Hindu.

In light of this discussion, the word Hindutva essentially belongs to neither the Congress nor the BJP. It was coined by Vinayak Damodar Sawarkar who was an ardent freedom fighter and an iron man of Sardar Patel cadre. Thus it is the sub standard quality of the Congress thought and other pseudo secular parties to malign a concept that holds Indian culture together for petty votes. It is the arrogance and lack of understanding of common and historical India within the so called "High Command" that has further perpetuated this. It is shameful that the media endorses such actions and maligns parties like BJP and organizations like RSS. The aftermath of which is anti BJP undercurrent because of the use of the word Hindutva.

In my opinion, no party in this country has a right to recast Hindutva as they anyways weren't the creators of it. Only thing possible is to champion the concept to build a stronger India or build a secular concept better defined than “Hindutva” itself.



What is the difference between Indian values and Hindu values? RSS and BJP should replace the word Hindutva with \\\'Bhaartiyataa\\\' or Indianness.

I have struggled to understand the difference between 'Indian culture or Indian values' and 'Hindu culture or Hindutva'. If these two terms are used synonymously, then why not drop the word 'Hindutva' and use instead 'Indianness' and similarly replace the words 'Hindu' by 'Indian' or even 'Bhartiya' in all of the RSS and BJP philosophies and literature? This should eliminate ALL objection to their very existence from anybody.

Vikas Singh:

@ Mr. Saudagar!
I understand your confusion about the word HINDUTVA..but fyi..hindutva and hinduism are two different words.. this has been repeatedly made clear by early RSS leader like Guru Ji and as well as contemporary leaders like Sudarshan Ji, Atal Ji in lok sabha and more then that Hon'ble Supreme court in 1995.

Read this *In 1995, in a landmark judgment the Supreme Court of India observed that "Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism. A Hindu may embrace a non-Hindu religion without ceasing to be a Hindu and since the Hindu is disposed to think synthetically and to regard other forms of worship, strange gods and divergent doctrines as inadequate rather than wrong or objectionable, he tends to believe that the highest divine powers complement each other for the well-being of the world and mankind*

In fact the man who coined this concept of Hindutva Veer Savarkar was an athiest.

and one more thing if you must know the word Hindu was coined by middle eastern Muslims for native of HIND not by some RSS leader. In fact, Bharat is rather a religious word and was used to address descenders of "Kuru King Bharat " (Great grandfather of Dhratrashtra). Shri Krishn address' Arjun as Bhaarat in MAHABHARAT...since Bharat was the king of the whole nation and we are son of this nation we are BHAARAT.

Obviously nothing would be more stupid then an english word like INDIANESS. I mean seriously..tell me..8 million RSS cadres left their material life on the name of Maa Bharati and our culture and they don't even have a name for their culture in their own native languages.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sweet home

I graith walls,
Walls that art bulwark,
Walls that hark,
Walls that art soothfast,
Walls that conceal,
Who I am or how I feel.

I graith walls:
Walls to imbosk,
to cover what’s withinforth,

Walls that art strait,
Walls that even avert our eyen
From the tears those might incline.
I graith walls:
Walls that nowise let me, truly touch
Walls that I love so very much.
Walls that need to fall!
Walls that meant to be bulwark
art prisons after all.

I graith walls,
Walls that throttle aught but shack,
Walls that left us alack,
Walls that cumber us in relation,
Walls that don’t fie,
Certes, that art our creation.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Politics and philosophy

Few lines from a conversation between

two great patriots
two great pundit of politics
two great philosophers

of Nanda's era

महामात्य कात्तायण: आज मैंने देख लिया आर्य! सच की परिभाषा व्यक्ति के साथ बदल जाती है | जिनकी भुजाओं में शक्ति होती है , उनकी मुट्ठी में सच होता है |
महामन्त्री षत्ताअर: जब यह जानते हो तो फिर क्यों व्यथित हो रहे हो अमात्य | यही दर्शन है और यही राजनीति भी |

Monday, August 3, 2009

Why this and why not that

Many people in our country hold the view that any venture that we undertake should be based on a grand world-thought capable of rendering good to the whole of humanity eschewing all narrow limitations of the country, community or religion. In support of this view, some proclaim that in this age of missiles and rockets distance has vanished, boundaries of countries have become meaningless and the whole world has shrunk. They, therefore, feel that the very concept of country, nation, etc., has become outdated, that the spirit of world unity alone should inspire all our activities. They conclude that the modern ‘isms’ which have taken up ‘internationalism’ as their watchword can alone lead us to that cherished goal.

Now, the question that naturally poses itself before us is how far is the task of reorganising the national life of Hindus taken by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, in conformity with the spirit of world unity and human good?

At the very outset, let it be made clear that it is not the modern thinkers who are the first in the field to think in terms of world unity and universal welfare. Long long ago, in fact, long before the so-called modern age had set in, the seers and savants of this land had delved deep into this vital question. The ideal of human unity, of a world free from all traces of conflict and misery, has stirred our hearts since times immemorial. Our one constant prayer all through the ages has been Let everyone be happy, let everyone be free from all ills While the present-day West has not been able to go beyond the motto of ‘the greatest good of the greatest number’, we have never tolerated the idea of a single human being – why, of even a single living organism – being miserable. ‘Total good of all beings’ has always been our glorious ideal.

But coming to the plane of the present-day world, we are faced with the hard reality of the all-round discord and disruption ravaging human society. Today, humanity is divided and subdivided into so many small exclusive groups called nations or states, each one of them devoted to its own narrow self-interest. And it is a matter of common experience that wherever there are groups inspired only by self-interest, there is bound to be mutual conflict. Obviously, human unity and welfare is impossible so long as this type of conflict continues. The present state of strifes and wars resulting in human destruction and misery has led many thinkers to conclude that the sentiment of nationalism which nourishes exclusive self-interest is the major obstacle in the way of world unity and human welfare. They, therefore, declare that nationalism should be rooted out from the minds of men all over the world. The Communist ideology which claims internationalism as its sheet-anchor often talks in this strain.

On the other hand, there is another school of thought, which holds that the roots of nationalism are so deep and long-standing that it is impossible to destroy them. Soviet Russia, which sought to discard nationalism in a bid to take to international communism soon learnt by experience that destruction of this sentiment deprives the people of the incentive for dedicated effort. In the first flush of revolution, material progress was no doubt achieved in Russia in a certain measure. Their first few Seven Year Plans were to an extent successful. But, by and by, the enthusiasm of the people began to wane, their incentive for work began to die away. Eventually, labour in big factories had to be forced to work at the point of bayonet. And again during the Second World War, when Hitler’s tanks were relentlessly pressing forward on the Russian soil, the slogan of ‘Internationalism’ and ‘Communism’ failed to enthuse the Russian people. This served as an eye-opener to the Russian leaders who found it absolutely essential to rouse the dormant patriotic sentiments of the Russian people by invoking their age-old loyalty to motherland and their heroic ancestors. It is evident, therefore, that it is devotion to one’s motherland, society and tradition experienced under the concept of nation that inspires the spirit of real service and sacrifice in the individual.

We can thus conclude that nationalism cannot and should not be destroyed. Then the problem boils down to one of achieving a synthesis of national aspirations and world welfare. Synthesis of various kinds have been, in fact, attempted from time to time in the past. Imperialism has sometimes been claimed to be one such large-scale effort to eliminate conflicts between smaller nations by making them limbs of a single empire. But as it was basically motivated by self-aggrandizement, leading to revolts by the subject nations against their oppression and exploitation, imperialism failed to eliminate international conflicts.

The League of Nations, formed after the First World War, was also an experiment in avoiding wars and achieving world unity. But within just two decades of its birth, the League of Nations was shattered to pieces on the rock of unbridled national ambitions and consequent conflicts. A more terrible war than all the previous ones besmirched the face of the earth with death and destruction. The UNO too, formed after the Second World War, is faring no better. Our own experience in the case of Kashmir issue tells us that it is incapable of meting out justice, of pulling up the erring members and bringing about an honourable amity among nations. It has been converted into an arena for international conflicts, the powerful nations trying to dominate its forum to further their expansionistic ends. The world is overcast with the dark clouds of a third world war which may, at any time, mean the sudden and total end of the present civilisation itself.

We thus see that nations are not prepared to come together in a spirit of amity for the welfare of mankind. On the contrary, the national entities are getting more and more exclusive and their ambitions whetted day by day. Newer nations are also coming up on the world stage. The entire face of the world is covered with conflicts between nations.

In short, nationalism cannot be destroyed; all attempts to harmonise the national ambitions so far have also utterly failed; and the world is on the brink of a nuclear holocaust. Then, which way lies the salvation for humanity? No answer to this challenge seems to be forthcoming. Thinkers, the world over, are on the horns of a dilemma.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Hehe I didn't quote "fallacious history", I didn't even quote anything from HISTORY in general. Although I know I wrote WEST by mistake instead of EAST but I don't think if it really did change anything and anyways that wasn't an attempt to "MISLEAD" anybody. That Bengal thing i quoted is from "A brief History of MODERN INDIA" by Rajy Ahir a well known book for civil services and rest of the things. I am really glad that you forgave me for writing WEST instead EAST though.

Unfortunately you didn't seem to establish yer mind if you are against religion, patriostism or HINDUTVA or me because the MOTHER TERESA you're talkin' about
was nothing but a MISSIONARY she wasn't no athiest. A garden variety CNN IBN led guy would barely know about Sangh and their motives and definition of Hindutva according to Guru Golwalkar Ji, Sudarshan Ji, Atal Ji or SUPREME COURT. You know about VHP but you don't about Seva Bharati or Shishu mandir.

Anyways let it be, trust me I don't want to change the topic now but you must know RSS is the major force working against CASTEISM, UNTOUCHABILITY. RSS came in picture in 1925 and BJP in 1980 and hindu politics in 1987 after Shah Bano case. Patriotism doesn't mean fighting with Pakistan, it also mean you should stop at the red signal, try to save energy. You'd hate Hindutva but you might like "INTERGRAL HUMANISM" 'cuase it's been supported by ENGLISH people which is nothing but a daughter concept of Hindutva.

Again you keep talkin' about me while am talking about an ideology. You keep calling me middle class, you are the one who's classifying people and questioning me. I tell ya what, I am born and brought up in well to do and politically and socially active people family i never had to and i never wanted go through BOOKS to understand society, I was born and brought among masses. I graduated from the best school in India. Socially active since 8th standard. I have been collecting every single ounce of my ideology for past 22 years. I have a nice job. Wtf does make you think am middle class what gave you that right. Just 'cause I ADVOCATE Indian philosophy instead of western and commercial.

I am 101 % sure you ain't sure and clear with the definition and etymology of स्वतंत्रता and परतंत्रता , you don't know why Bhagat Singh died, why someone like Neta Ji shook hands with Hitler.

you don't need to be patriotic one Swami Ji, one Dr. Hedgewar, one Gandhi , one Patel , one Neta Ji was way to more than enough for Mother Inida.

and tell me

Do you really think I haven't read Gita or MAHABHARAT or RAMAYAN.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Deja Vu

Hahaha I know we're having a new crop of fresh graduates from "University of Intellectuals".well neither do the swallowing the scientific results and not intending to think about its great helping hands towards the destruction are gonna fetch us the solutions. With due respect I didn’t exactly count the number of paragraphs or the number of lines, where I asked you to think or so but I am not asking you to think I know its beyond you. People fight over hell lot of issues, you just can't relate it simply to religion. We all know people do die 'cause of religion, but people perhaps a lot more die beacuse of "Bizali ke jhatkey", nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, global warming and hole in ozone layer, what are you gonna do about it? whip chemistry and physics off. I am not against Science, I am myself an elec. engg from IIT. Where there is power, there is abuse of Power and Religion is the most powerful thing.
It depends on the people how they use or deal with it. It's rahter unfortunate people always go for the darker side, they are too blind to see the brighter side. Its quite evident that you too fail to see the depth of religion. You know about Bin Laden but you don't want to talk about Gandhi who controlled all this bloodshed on the west side during partition with Geeta in one hand and Quraan in the other.

You want to buy that cookie 'cause you're born and brought up in a society which talks about humanity, mercy, tolerance which comes from nothing but religion.

It's weird that you relate my comment with any kind of regionalism. I'd not comment on that.

i don't know why you ain't getting it but as far as I think you can't do a tripple inetgration problem just because you want to and you are concerned about it, you gotta have an understanding of Maths and a background in Maths. It's not rocket science and same is the case with society. If you don;t understand and respect their beliefs and values then may be you should.

In all that jugglery of adjectives you did in all those lines, you persistently seem to sing that “you are a fascist” song which is kind of funny, ‘cause as far as I understand, one of the very important feature of FASCISM is anti-conservative nationalism and mine is “conservative nationalism” but I tell ya what, Fascist is more of an epithet of contemporary era. People use it for addressing their political or ideological enemies. In “What is Fascism?”, George Orwell says .

“The word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation,of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else... almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’.”

So this fascist word doesn't mean nothing to me. It's for everybody, it's like you know I am your fasicts and you are my fascist. You questioned my question but eventually you did talk about that communal voilence.

Well I tell you writers who pondered the society and its grievances in their creations and they got respect, but again people who just advocate western ideolgies which don't suit our system. What hell have they done apart from criticising and making fuss about the contemporary system?

and on the last thing which you found funny had a lot of things

1. I don't and didn't bring up the personal relationships, you did.

2. My leaders don't have sons and wives, they are full time nationalists.

3. Like the way you feel for your mother, there are people who do feel the same for Mother India and Maa Sarswati.

4. Like you said "you don't know why your name is Rama, it could have been Spiderman or anything". But it's Rama and you don't know why. That was my whole point.

at the end you still haven't disclosed your ideolgy, your execution plan or anything.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

intellectuality ke thekedaar

Questioning religion or an ideology doesn't take more than an ounce from your cask of intellectuality.

you want to question God, you just got to say "why do people worship god when they haven't seen The God"

you want to question religion, you just got to say "look Hindu muslims are fighting over mandir maszid, what's the point"

you want to question reservation, you just got to say "look that guy got 60% in 12th standard and still graduating from a medical college just 'cause he comes from a particular section of society"

you want to question feminism, you just got to say "ohh look Sania Mirza's boobs are popping out"

i want to question SCIENCE i just got to say "i have never seen a fuckin' electron, whole electrical engineering is nothing bull fuckin' society manufactured crap"

(I assume you understand that if you would try to justify it by some theories and mathematical equations based on assumptions like 2*2 is 4 or 60 seconds make a minute then we've Vedas, Upnishad, Quran and Bible, if you'd you can feel an electric shock then there are people who'd say and do say that they can feel mighty God)

If theory of creation is shitolad then i don't see any thing more stupid then a theory which says life started with a fuckin' cell then they became fish and the monkey the fuckin man, it's fuckin' nothing but genuine crap. If Jesus Christ was not intelligent enough then Charles Darwin was also a dickhead.

but talkin' about all this is, writing on your blog about religion and feminism is one thing


visiting a village in North India and seeing the status of Brhamin, Thakur and underprivileged class is whole different thing.

go to Sawaimadhaapur and Bundi in Rajsthan you'd look at women's status you'd understand female and feminism

go to Kashi, Mathura, Chitrkoot, Azmer you'd get a less mirky picture of people's faith.

All people are not rich and intellectual enough to go through western thoughts and read Richard Dawkins and Karl Marx and follow Lev Kamenev, here people follow and talk about Swami vivekanand Ji, Gnadhi, Patel, Bose people those who were inspired by Ramayana Shrimad BhagwadGeeta and Vedas.

An ideology, a concept is pure fuckshit if it doesn't suit the people, if it doesn't slip through people's throat.

Communisim आता है , चला जाता है . धर्मं वहीँ रहता है .
It's been here in India since the birth of human race.

Definitely there should be reforms but if you wipe this system off this planet you must come with a new ideolgy, new thoery and of course new plan.

If you don't understand people, their feelings their faith then you shouldn't be worried about them and wasting your time with thinking of religion and shit.Get up,go to your job, come back have your dinner and sleep. People and society are fine with or without you.

If you want to talk about society then you better have a look at it, it's status and it's need.

Reading Franz Kafka and scribbling in attractive English is something majority got nothin' to do with. All this would make you an intellectual, Sobha De, Mahesh Bhatt or yogendra yadav and trust me they don't exist beyond Mumbai, Banglore or Delhi.

and I'd like not to get harsh and wouldn't use unparliamentary language but since you brought my mother into all this (Fuck your motherfucking boyfriend) I'd like to ask you did you tell yer mother about yer views and her stupidity 'cause she named ya Rama? if you didn't yet then may be you should and now since you've gained all the knowledge then you should get it changed. All you need is a Rs. 10 ka affidavit. This "all this is society manufactured" might be cool, may be beneficial for ya at max. but it's not meant and healthy for the whole society. Everything is society manufactured. Everyfuckinthing not just racism or sex discrimination are society manufactured concepts values of human life, mercy, charity, humanity all this is society manufactured. And Gangotri of this Ganga is RELIGION. It takes no great intelligence that RELIGION is also a society manufactured concept but we need things to tame the society and avoid chaos. When you think it's bad to rape a woman , or hurt someone or to kill the inocents. It's the RELIGION. Roots are way to more deeper than what you think. No matter how hard we try we can't think out of the box, we're always inside that box.
Roots of religion are way to more deeper than what you think, that's why yer name is Rama

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

composed by pranoo

woh yaad dhundhti hai
awaaz dhundti hai
jis mahal ke kinaro mein goonjte hai woh lavaz
unke thikane meri fariyaad dhundti hai

kin gaalion kin shehero mein talab dikhate
is ruh ki kin tasveeron se tadap bhujate
yeh sheher nahi hai mera
yeh jag nahi hai mera
yeh ganga jo nahi meri
kis nadikinare se hum yeh pyaas bhujate

kuch thahar sa gaya hai man mein
kuch ruk sa gaya aadmi mein
jhansi aur shivaji ke vansh yeh log
kyun dhoodhe victoria ka pyaar

kuch ghum gaya hai vyakti mein
kuch thum sa gaya us ruh mein
jo kabhi likte the inquilab zindabad
kyun aaj duniya jala rahe hai

en hatao mein jo asha thi
ek chingari hai dard ki
en aankhon mein jo farz tha
ek khwab hai maut ka

ruswa kar gayi hai aadmi ko insaaniyat
ruswa kar gaya aadmi bhi aapni niyat
kya baccha hai duniya mein
woh jo kabhi likhte the inquilab zindabad
aaj woh bhi jaala chuke hai.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lost & found

I wake up, I go to my office. I look out.
I see people,
suited up people with PDAs,
happy people, same people, people with one point agenda "INCREMENT//BONUS"...
same happy people..same happiness everyday

same question pops up everyday..

what the fuck is the matter with these fuckin' scumbags.
what the fuck are they fuckin' happy about.
what the fuck are they satisfied with.
where the fuck they want to go?
where the fuck have they arrived in past 24 hrs or 24 years.

It's weird !
riding on a random bus.
headin' to a destination X.
24..30..50 years

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hinduism with its 5000 years old roots in Bharat (India) is one the oldest civilizations existing in the world. This civilization once was spread across all over Indian sub-continent till Gandhar in west, which is now known as Afghanistan to Indonesia and Cambodia in east. Hinduism is a religion, which is constantly evolving. Vedas were one of the earliest works or scriptures which formed the base of Hinduism, but Hinduism did not just stay with Vedas, it moved on with time and became one of the most tolerant religion.

Turning back into history shows that the victory in the battle over Rajputs by Mohammad Ghazni about 1000 A.D., marked the beginning of Muslim invasions into the Indian subcontinent and continued until the next 700 years. The last notable invasion of the Muslims from outside was the invasion of Nadir Shah in 1739, during which he unleashed a great horror on the native Hindu population. During these 700 years of Invasion every Muslim ruler raised towers of Hindu skulls with huge massacres and many others were forcibly converted into Islam. Still many Hindus either faced the death or preferred to be a Hindu and lived in poverty. Some recent studies suggest at least 100 million Hindus were massacred from the period 1000 AD and 1525 AD alone. In 17th century the British East India Company entered into India on the pretext of trade and slowly from then on the British rule started for the next 200 years. During these two hundred years many missionaries were invited to India and millions of the tribal Hindus were forced to convert into Christianity by force or money.

While the rest of the world was undergoing a tremendous religious transformation during this period, the Hindus in India were able to stand against that storm, and during a thousand years of rule Muslims and Christians were able to make only a small dent in fortress of Hinduism. The early revival of Hinduism in first half of this millennium was to a great extent brought about by people like Adi Shankaracharya and Ramanuja. Renaissance period for Hinduism coincided with the Muslim and British rule. While warriors like Sivaji, Rana Pratap and Guru Gobind Singh Fought against Muslim rulers other great people like Mera Bai, Sant Tuka Ram, Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, Ramakrishna Paramhans, Guru Nanak, Swami Vivekananda to name a few, brought about Hinduism renaissance during the Muslim and British Rule.

With this brief background of Indian history and Hinduism let us see what some so-called leaders in modern India say about those people who espouse the cause of Hinduism and India. The Congress Chief Minister of Kerala A.K. Antony on July 14th 2002 in a statement branded R.S.S (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) as a terrorist organization. While another Congress Chief Minister Digvijay Singh of Madhya Pradesh said on 7th September 2003 that RSS incites violence and communal feelings. What makes these people call RSS a terrorist and communal organization?

What is RSS and what are its Origins?

Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar (1889-1940) founded the ‘Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’ (RSS) on 27th September 1925. It rebounds to the foresight of Dr. Hedgewar that he anticipated the need for strengthening the foundations of the Hindu society and for preparing it for challenges on social, economic, cultural, religious, philosophical and political planes. The thought of selfless people who will volunteer on their own to serve the country, which can never be achieved being a part of political party has led to the foundation of RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh). Dr. Hedgewar has studied medicine in Calcutta; the land of patriotic and revolutionaries came back to Nagpur in 1916. Dr. Hedgewar himself is a patriot himself from childhood, when he refused to eat the sweets distributed marking the golden jubilee of Queen of England's coronation and when he got banned from school for echoing and re-echoing Vande Mataram. Hedgewar even refused to marry and kept his family poverty aside and worked for the cause of the countries freedom until his death in 1940.

Many young and old came forward to be part of this organization for various years and today RSS has over more than 25,000 centers allover India. RSS worked to its strength and did some dedicated works. If one has to look internally the aim of RSS, it is to bring the dharma concept and spirituality into the society and work for the well being of the nation.

The quality of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh comes to fore during times of natural or man-made disasters. When there were earth quakes in Assam, Gujarat, Latur, Uttarakshi, or in Surat, when the Costal Andhra, Bihar, Bengal or Orissa hit with cyclone, or when there is famine in Karnataka, Orissa, Bihar, Gujarat or Rajasthan, it is common to hear from various sources that the Swayamsevaks will be there at every national calamity providing services and relief for the victims. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that after the disastrous cyclone of December 1977 in Andhra pradesh, the Swayamsevaks took care of rehabilitation of the whole Avanigadda village and the then Survodaya leader of Andhra said "The name R.S.S stand for Ready for Selfless Service without discrimination.

In 1965, during the war with Pakistan or during Bangladesh Liberation war, in 1971, or the latest Kargil war, media was full of reports of the role played by Swayamsevaks by providing moral support and relief in the post war period by providing blood donations and establishing nursing camps at war sights for the treatment of wounded soldiers. During the partition of the country in 1947, when several millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims were stranded in Western Pakistan, Swayemsevaks of the same RSS sacrificed their lives to bring back those hapless people into a safe place, by showing limitless valor, sacrifice and martyrdom. Does these qualities make it a terrorist and communal organization?

What makes one or an organization terrorist?

American Heritage Dictionary: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Does the Rhastriya Swayamsevak Sangh have any of these qualities in its work to make it a terrorist organization? R.S.S works against the perverted beliefs in the name of religion such as untouchability and casteism. Sri Balasaheb Deoras declared "If untouchability is not wrong, there cannot be anything wrong in this world." R.S.S never showed any discrimination in its works and also conducted several programs to eradicate such practices. Thousands of Swayamsevaks invite people from the slums to their houses to participate in the pujas during the festivals and go to their slums and share the fun and happiness of the festivals. R.S.S also established schools at the village level for the purpose of education of below poverty people and hospitals in rural areas, where the governments failed to provide the least medical facilities.

Does these types of works make R.S.S a terrorist organization?

It is really pity and sad to see and hear that the so-called secular forces term such type of organizations as terrorist organizations. These days the communists and the so-called secular fronts made it a habit to call every Hindu organization as a terrorist organization.

These secular and communist forces have forgotten that when the Machu reservoir embankments breached, thousands of people became homeless and most of them were Muslims in it. The Swayamsevaks took care to organize food and relief to the victims and not to forget this calamity happened during Ramadan and Swayamsevaks took every care in the food keeping in mind the Roza norms and made every effort to provide prayer facilities for the victims and not to forget the Gujarat earthquake where several Muslims and Hindus became homeless. R.S.S again worked for relief without any discrimination. Does this quality of Rashtriya Swayamsevaks make it a communal organization?

Can these psuedo secular forces and the communists name any other organization, which works solely for the purpose of nation outside their religion? Has these communists and secular forces did anything for the nation?

Is this terrorism and communalism? I would rather follow such a ‘terrorist’ organization rather than those good for nothing politicians who spread the venom of casteism and religious division.

If trying to make India a progressive and educated country is terrorism then these politicians should quickly seek a psychiatric help. These people lack the credentials to be a critic of an organization as great as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.

Christian missionaries continue to convert many poor Hindus by promising to give them money in Kerala and several evidences were found to prove it, but A.K. Antony never responded to that and he didn't even have a second thoughts before calling Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh a terrorist organization. A.K. Antony and Digvijay Singh proved that they are one of the thousands of dim wit politician who speak without knowing a fact.

I proud to be a Hindu and Indian and I always cherish myself to be born in that great civilization.

Swami Vivekanand Ji on idol worship

Here is an incident I found out while I was going through Swami Vivekanand Ji's bharat yatra.

During his "Bharat bhraman" Swami Ji reached Alwar, where he became acquainted with Maharaja Mangal Singh and on his request visited his palace. Initially the Prince had no faith in the Swami.

Here is a piece of conversation (debate) they had one night.

Swamiji, I have no faith in idol worship, said the Maharaja.

Swamiji replied, "An idol is only a symbol. It is not something to sneer at. Every devotee has his own way of realizing God. It depends on the individual's devotion."

*The Prince was not satisfied with Swamiji's explanation. There was a portrait of the Maharaja on the wall.*

The Swamiji asked the Diwan (chief minister) by his side, 'Whose picture is that?"

"The Maharaja's," replied the Diwan.

Vivekananda said, "Spit on it."

*The Diwan was taken aback. *

"Why are you unhappy?" asked the Swamiji.

* The Diwan thought this man was certainly mad.*

Swamiji explained: "After all, the photograph is just a shadow of your Maharaja. It is devoid of flesh and blood."

"But then it reminds us of the Maharaja, does it not?" said the Diwan.

The Maharaja then apologised to the Swamiji.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fancy "-ism"(s)

These are the high sounding linguistic acrobatics, only to hoodwink the gullible Hindus, then gradually hustle them into dis-belief and non-belief...then the ground i.e. their minds are vacant for indoctrination with different forms of anti-nationalism, for nefarious interests to be rigorously pursued by such hostile elements.

The first linguistically acrobatic talent-term is SECULARISM. It demands everyone to be faithless which is next to IMPOSSIBLE in a country based and united by faith for the last thousands of years, notwithstanding the political freedom attained in 1947. It is only the majority community that is expected to be secular and not others. Muslims/Christians are expected to be loyal to their faiths within the ambit of secularism. The bogey of secularism benefits the CHINESE-INDIANS i.e. Indian communists most who are pathologically loyal to China/Cuba. These Chinese-Indians worship their GOD who happens to be Karl Marx, follow all rituals of worshipping LORD KARL MARX while preaching Hindus to be secular. These duplicitous traitors cum rogues have no courage in their spines to go to the Swat Valley and preach secularism to the Talibanese. Why should they not be declared so, then arrested under the NSA and dumped in the Andamans, only to rot to death ??? Why should foul-mouthed Naxalites like Prakash & Brinda Karats be allowed to speak against the country and it's cultural heritage ??? Irony of this country is that even rabidly communal muslim groups scream secularism to Hindus !!! INDIRA GANDHI DID THE GREATEST DIS-SERVICE TO THE NATION BY INTRODUCING THE TERM OF SECULARISM INTO THE CONSTITUTION. Negating cultural heritage of a country is a crime worse than sedition. History of this country shall never pardon her for that seditious crime. She too, was anti-national at that moment of our history. When even animals cannot remain faithless, Nehru-Gandhi Congress taught secularism to Indians !!! This moronic secularism, a crude copy of the age-old British concept had been at the root of subversion of our Constitution on so many occasions, in cahoots with the Congress leaders and their foreign masters.

Second linguistically acrobatic genius is MINORITYISM. It a natural and inevitable outcome of the bogey of Secularism. In the name of Minorityism, secular cum anti-nationals can get away with any anti-national offence. It is interesting to observe that their absurd and outrageous demands have absolutely no place even in those countries where they are in majority. Not only Sikhs and Jains, but also monks of the Ramakrshna Mission too, want to classified as 'Minors'.

Another linguistically acrobatic talent-term is PLURALISM. It is true that people of different races have been coming into this country all along, they have been welcomed with open arms and gladly allowed to practise their faiths, so long as it did not become a nuisance/hindrance for the Hindus. They were expected to merge themselves into the concept of Bharatvarsha. Paarsis did it very well by becoming sugar to milk. While Muslims were diametrically opposite, Christians parked themselves somewhere between the two. The masters and champions of the 'DIVIDE & RULE POLICY' incited these communities to assert themselves fanatically so as to undermine the basic ethos of this nation and subvert altogether, in due course of time. To camouflage their nefarious intentions, they coined the term PLURALISM and unilaterally declared our society as a PLURALISTIC SOCIETY. This Pluralism is nothing but divisive anti-nationalism, doing it's best to create more and more satellite centres of gravity away from the real centre of gravity that is Hinduism, under whose ambit all other faiths would have enriched themselves. Champions of Pluralism know very well that no satellite centre of gravity i.e. faith can hold all other faiths together, leave alone the main one, Hinduism. All out destruction of the Hindu society is the aim that they wish to achieve through the lunacy of Pluralism.

When Pluralism is established, how can 'Unity in Diversity' be far behind ??? This is the next linguistically acrobatic talent-term coined by the ENEMIES OF THE NATION. Then, frequent warnings that 'unity of the country shall be jeopardized if diversity is not allowed to have a free run' !!! This diversity is nothing but divisive separatism that is perceptible even to a novice. This tomfoolery was conceptualised by Nehru himself, declared by his Congress (I)TALIAN as the greatest visionary, greater than even the Adi Shankaracharya !!!

Concept of a homogeneous society, centred around it's cultural roots with ample freedom for all, would have given rise to DIVERSITY IN UNITY wherein unity of all would be the final port of call. It would have stamped out the divisive, fissiparous tendencies of the society, nourished by the likes of Karats, Yechurys, Setalwads or Patekars.


There shall be several more such terms to befool the gullible, innocent Indians. We shall then, visit them to rip them apart in the interest of this great nation.

Friday, June 12, 2009

अतीत के दर्पण में आपातकाल

June of 1975,

The Hon'ble High Court of Allahabad found the sitting Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi guilty of election fraud, and ordered her to be removed from her seat in Lower house of the Parliament (lok sabha) and banned from running for an additional six years.

Mid-night of June 25th,
Black night for Indian democracy

Mrs. Gandhi in turn, recommended President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed to issue "extraordinary laws" that bypassed parliament altogether, allowing her to rule by decree. She declared a State of Emergency, and in her own words brought democracy "to a grinding halt". Invoking article 352 of the Indian Constitution, she granted herself extraordinary powers and launched a massive crackdown on civil liberties and political opposition.

Right after that black night , Lok nayak Jayprakash Narayan called for the PM's resignation and asked the military and the police to disregard unconstitutional and immoral orders; Jayaprakash Narayan attracted a gathering of 100,000 people at the Ramlila Grounds , Delhi and thunderously recited these lines of Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar''s.

"सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।"

सदियों की ठंढी-बुझी राख सुगबुगा उठी,
मिट्टी सोने का ताज पहन इठलाती है;
दो राह,समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।

जनता?हां,मिट्टी की अबोध मूरतें वही,
जाडे-पाले की कसक सदा सहनेवाली,
जब अंग-अंग में लगे सांप हो चुस रहे
तब भी न कभी मुंह खोल दर्द कहनेवाली।
जनता?हां,लंबी - बडी जीभ की वही कसम,
"जनता,सचमुच ही, बडी वेदना सहती है।"
"सो ठीक,मगर,आखिर,इस पर जनमत क्या है?"
'है प्रश्न गूढ़ जनता इस पर क्या कहती है?"
मानो,जनता ही फूल जिसे अहसास नहीं,
जब चाहो तभी उतार सजा लो दोनों में;
अथवा कोई दूधमुंही जिसे बहलाने के
जन्तर-मन्तर सीमित हों चार खिलौनों में।
लेकिन होता भूडोल, बवंडर उठते हैं,
जनता जब कोपाकुल हो भृकुटि चढाती है;
दो राह, समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।

हुंकारों से महलों की नींव उखड़ जाती,
सांसों के बल से ताज हवा में उड़ता है,
जनता की रोके राह,समय में ताव कहां?
वह जिधर चाहती,काल उधर ही मुड़ता है।
अब्दों,शताब्दियों,सहस्त्राब्द का अंधकार
बीता;गवाक्ष अंबर के दहके जाते हैं;
यह और नहीं कोई,जनता के स्वप्न अजय
चीरते तिमिर का वक्ष उमड़ते जाते हैं।
सब से विराट जनतंत्र जगत का आ पहुंचा,
तैंतीस कोटि-हित सिंहासन तय करो
अभिषेक आज राजा का नहीं,प्रजा का है,
तैंतीस कोटि जनता के सिर पर मुकुट धरो।
आरती लिये तू किसे ढूंढता है मूरख,
मन्दिरों, राजप्रासादों में, तहखानों में?
देवता कहीं सड़कों पर गिट्टी तोड़ रहे,
देवता मिलेंगे खेतों में, खलिहानों में।
फावड़े और हल राजदण्ड बनने को हैं,
धूसरता सोने से श्रृंगार सजाती है;
दो राह,समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Give me what I deserve!


I am a INDIAN, its my crime.....
"I am a HINDU" kill me and call it "COLLATERAL DAMAGE" and call me communal , imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURES" exile my people and masses and call it"NEW MIDDLE EAST" and secularism .Rob my resources, grab my land, Alter my leadership and call it "DEMOCRACY"

I deserve to be humiliated. I deserve to be harassed. I deserve to be mauled. I deserve to be killed. Just becuase " I AM A HINDU"

I demand my rights, it is my crime. I demand my dignity, it is my crime. I demand life, it is my crime. I am a nationalistic , it is my crime. but i am proud of committing this crime.

I want to live, but a living life. Not a dead man's life. I can die struggling for my right rather than giving it up and living.
What is Secular & What is Communal ?
Congress says : Muslims getting killed by a few hundred is no less than a holocaust; But poor protesters getting shot in West Bengal under Left Govt is just a plain misunderstanding; 3,000 Sikhs getting slaughtered in thousands was only a big mistake; and 300,000 Hindus becoming refugees and thousands dead due to Islamic terrorists in Kashmir is a only political problem.
Congress says : Congress denying Lord Rama's existence was simply a Clerical Error. But BJP saying it hurt Hindu sentiments is communal!
Congress says : Haj subsidies for Muslim pilgrimage worth 3000 crores funded by Hindu tax money is secular; But Hindus questioning how their hard earned money is used are communal;
Congress says : Banning Da Vinci Code was Secular But Modi Banning Parzania in Gujarat was Communal;
Congress says : Chinese invasion in 1962 was just an 'unfortunate betrayal'; Kargil attack during BJP Rule was Government failure;
Congress says : Reservation in every school and college on caste lines strengthen society; But same reservations in minority institutions is Communal;
Congress says : Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra was only an instance of Police atrocity; But Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] was Modi sponsored 'BJP' Communalism;
Congress says : Talking about Islam and Muslim appeasement is Secular; But talking about Hindus and Hindu concerns is dangerous and Communal;
Congress says : BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save Indian hostages was Shameful; But freeing 4 militants to save the life of the daughter of a minister [Rubina Sayed] was a Natural Political dilemma;
Congress says : Attack on Parliament was the result of BJP ineptitude; But Congress Not hanging Afzal Guru,the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders is due to Humanity and Political dilemma;
Congress says : (Manmohan) Muslims have the first right on India's resources; But Hindus questioning it is communal;

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Love or Hate

Take what you have to take, beatings, insults and whatever.
And learn from it.
And wait.
Then when the time comes for you to do something, make your move.

And it's hard to love,
There's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above
Say its much too late
Well maybe we should all be
Praying for time

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Youth brigade

Our educated "revolutionary", "warm blooded" young generation who make 18k per month, don't have balls to confront a do kaudi ka autowala for their hard earned bucks talk about fighting corrupt bureaucrats, politicians with constitutional powers and terrorists with AK-47.


Jai Hind!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

In God I trust, rest all must pay in cash.

Beauty, honesty, integrity, veraciousness,trustworthy It's all bullshit!
You make shitload of bucks!
Everybody loves ya!
You are smart, tall, hot, funny, sexy, intelligent and every fuckin' possible thing. That's all what counts, liquid! heck of that.

You don't make no money! nobody cares! you die, you live. Noone gives a fuck!

Money can buy everything

Money does buy everything

Money buys you gold, big house, Audi Q7, Louis Philip, wedding in a glass room 100 m deep inside Atlantic.

Not just that

Money buys you people
Money buys you loyalty, faith and other grey shit
Money buys you love
Money buys you sleep
Money buys you life
Money buys you ME

I am on SALE

you fuckin' all are on a giant fuckin' SALE, hiding your price tag! waiting for someone to quote your bid, waiting for someone to raise it.

There are no shitocratic man made classifications

There is nothing like good or bad.
There is nothing like beautiful or ugly
There is nothing like honesty or dishonesty
There is nothing like trust or antitrust
There is nothing like love or hate

There is only one classification ME and all of you. I am what I am and you are not me.

fuck ya

My convenience is my principle
My mood is my stand
My delusions are my verities

Don't be the good cop n' bitch about the bad cops.

Be a fuckin' a bad cop

This ain’t my frustration, that’s the notion I breathe in n’ out with. I never had no bad or sad incident in my life, whatever I’ve come across in past 21 years of my life was a new and nice experience to me.